Wednesday, 1 September 2010

DON'T BE KEPT IN THE DARK (like a mushroom) - HAVE YOUR SAY !

Many people are interested in fungi because they are edible. But everyone also knows that wild fungi/mushrooms/toadstools can be both delicious and deadly poisonous. Unfortunately, there is no simple way of saying what is edible and what is poisonous. So if in doubt leave it out!

Groundwork, Lancashire Wildlife Trust & Bolton Council are all working to ensure that local residents are not kept in the dark by opening the channels of communication and giving you the opportunity to have your say, keep your eyes peeled for the questionnaires coming through your doors or do our on-line questionnaire coming soon.

Have your say, Your comments count

Here is a selection of photo’s taken at Leverhulme Park of the different types of Fungi growing, can anyone identify them? post your answers below >>

Photography kindly donated by David Gaskell, Sleepy G Photography
All enquiries to :

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