Monday, 24 January 2011


Groundwork would like to thank everyone who took part in the
Gateway to Urban Nature Consultation.

The findings of the consultations and surveys conducted have been reported to Bolton Council and Lancashire Wildlife Trust (LWT) subsequently details will be passed onto the funders, Big Lottery Fund (Natural England).

If you are interested in learning more about Groundwork or becoming a volunteer
Please visit our website:

The Wildlife Trust the is the UK's leading conservation charity dedicated to all wildlife.
The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside are your local charity, working hard to improve your local area for wildlife and for you.

You can get involved; either volunteering or taking part in their many planned activies.
For more details please visit:

Groundwork would also like to extend special thanks to Sleepy G Photography
for donating outstanding images for use on the Gateway to Urban Nature Blog.
 If you would like more details on Sleepy G Photography please visit:

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Lancashire Wildlife Trust have now developed their October to March 2010/11 volunteering programme for Haslam Park.

They are inviting local residents and community organisations to get involved in various projects being run in the park.  These projects will be run on the First Tuesday of every month and will include: Guided Walk, Acid Grassland Management, New Year Tidy-up and Fen Cutting, Woodland Path Tidy-up and Site Maintenance Work, Woodland Management, River Clean-up and River Dipping.

All necessary equipment and protective clothing will be provided.

Are you interested?  For more information or to enroll on the volunteering programme.

Contact: Joanne Moore on 01204 663754 / 07738545438

Thursday, 30 September 2010


We have received an excellent response to the leaflet drop and also obtained feedback from local events, schools, meetings etc and are in the process of analysing all the responses.

Its not too late to click onto our on-line questionnaire and submit your views and comments >>> click on the link now

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

VISIT OUR ON-LINE QUESTIONNAIRE (click on the link below)

Please take five minutes to click on the link below and take part in our on-line questionnaire.

Thank you for your particpation.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

DON'T BE KEPT IN THE DARK (like a mushroom) - HAVE YOUR SAY !

Many people are interested in fungi because they are edible. But everyone also knows that wild fungi/mushrooms/toadstools can be both delicious and deadly poisonous. Unfortunately, there is no simple way of saying what is edible and what is poisonous. So if in doubt leave it out!

Groundwork, Lancashire Wildlife Trust & Bolton Council are all working to ensure that local residents are not kept in the dark by opening the channels of communication and giving you the opportunity to have your say, keep your eyes peeled for the questionnaires coming through your doors or do our on-line questionnaire coming soon.

Have your say, Your comments count

Here is a selection of photo’s taken at Leverhulme Park of the different types of Fungi growing, can anyone identify them? post your answers below >>

Photography kindly donated by David Gaskell, Sleepy G Photography
All enquiries to :